
Why TCS?

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We are a community dedicated to both scholarship and discipleship, to the cultivation of both mind and soul, and we partner with parents who want the same.

Why TCS?

Unique in our community, TCS offers parents an opportunity to partner with a community of likeminded educators and families in the education and discipleship of their children for the glory of God and the good of our community. We are a community dedicated to both scholarship and discipleship, to the cultivation of both mind and soul, and we partner with parents who want the same—parents who are:
  • Committed to pointing their children to Christ at home and at church.
  • Interested in a school that prioritizes the shepherding of hearts, not just academic rigor.
  • Eager to foster a love of learning in their homes; committed to investing and engaging in all aspects of their children’s education.
  • Serious about living out the Biblical call to unity among believers.
Please look at the information available on our website, particularly the Portrait of a Graduate and overview of classical education. If the description above sounds like you and you're intrigued about what this education would mean for your family, please fill out this inquiry form and join a Prospective Parent Meeting and Tour so that you can learn more about our school and see it all firsthand.

We are thankful for your interest and look forward to continuing this important conversation.

Admissions Process

What Sets Us Apart

List of 3 items.

  • Christian

    At the Classical School, Jesus Christ provides the purpose, focus, and foundation for all we do.
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  • Classical

    The Classical School views education primarily as a process of formation, rather than merely the transmission of information.
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  • Collaborative

    Our students are engaged in a full-time, rigorous education that occurs on two campuses – our classrooms and their homes.
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About Us

We offer a Classical curriculum steeped in a Biblical worldview to inspire students to become people who love learning, serve others, and follow Jesus.