
Education as Formation

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We believe that education is primarily a process of formation, not merely the transmission of information. Through this holistic approach, education becomes a pathway to cultivating informed, compassionate citizens who are ready to contribute to their communities meaningfully and for the glory of God.

Our Academic Program

 At The Classical School, we aim for mastery of both objectives and skills, while also nurturing virtuous students who are disciplined and prudent leaders, rooted in faith.  Our teachers also exemplify education as formation by creating environments that foster open dialogue, critical thinking, and character development, all steeped in a deeply integrated biblical worldview.  In our collaborative program, both teachers and co-teachers take on the dual roles of educator and mentor, nurturing relationships with their students that encourage spiritual formation and growth mindsets in addition to academic achievement.  An education from The Classical School will empower students to engage thoughtfully, courageously, and graciously with others and to embrace the habits of lifelong learning and growth.

List of 2 items.

  • Teacher Partnership

    At The Classical School, parent co-teacher partner with skilled classroom teachers who use the best content to enliven the imagination and order the affections of their students.  Our classroom teachers exemplify both skill and virtue, while also creating a hospitable learning environment for their students and supportive partnerships for the co-teachers.  We say they take the lead academically, while the co-teacher takes the lead in the spiritual formation of their student.  Teachers at TCS have been shaped by great books and compelling ideas and are able to lead students into the same content with competence and passion.
  • What We Study

    We want our students to love what is good, what is true, and what is beautiful.  This can only happen if they are exposed to what is good, true, and beautiful.   Therefore, our students read the Bible and the great books; they know the most important events and people from history; they study nature by observing and drawing it; they ponder the questions and problems that mathematicians and philosophers have been studying for millennia; they contemplate the best paintings and works of architecture; and they sing some of the greatest hymns and choral pieces ever composed.  

    The content our students learn and absorb helps them to build a robust memory, provides stories and ideas for developing a moral imagination, and surrounds them with beauty that trains them to love what is lovely. 

About Us

We offer a Classical curriculum steeped in a Biblical worldview to inspire students to become people who love learning, serve others, and follow Jesus.